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FC Porto is proud to announce its adherence to and participation as a pilot partner in the ACCESS project.

This engagement doesn’t only complement the recently launched initiatives and projects locally but, at the same time, it further demonstrates and proves the FC Porto’s strategic directions towards improving environmental management in operations and governance and becoming a benchmark when it comes to environmental sustainability in sports nationally.

As a sport organisation on the project, FC Porto will participate in a Europe-wide screening of current environmental practices and principles in stadium sports – including mobility, food and beverage consumption, event management as well as facilities and infrastructure maintenance among others. By working with proven and experienced organisations such as ACR+ from Brussels and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, this screening will allow FC Porto to identify the hotpots and potentials for environmental improvements and launch a cross-sectoral cooperation with the local and regional authorities to find solutions and define action plans which both sides would mutually benefit from. As an added value of being a partner on the project, FC Porto will also attend valuable tailor-made training sessions and partake in international mobility opportunities and study visits, as the project also includes Gaelic Athletic Association and the Welsh and Danish Football Associations.

"Keeping in mind the pillars that sustain FC Porto (rigor, competence, passion and ambition), we intend to demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainability by using sporting and cultural events as a stage to echo this type of initiative.
We believe that the effectiveness of the messages related to sustainability conveyed by the sports and cultural universe, where emotion is present, may lead to the necessary changes in environmental behavior.
Increasing the competence and awareness of clubs and federations and their cities, with disruptive, innovative and ambitious actions in the field of sustainability of sports and cultural events, is one of our main goals."

At the end of the project, which ends in May 2025, FC Porto expects to gain sufficient intelligence and knowledge as well as acquire skills to become the beacon of environmental sustainability in Portugal and support members of its network to progress in the field of environmental management after having provoked certain mindsets in how sport events and all the operations around them are organised and governed.

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