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Winners of the Portuguese Cup didn’t forget their ambition when celebrating

This Sunday, FC Porto won their 20th Portuguese Cup at Estádio do Jamor. At the end of the match where they beat Sporting (2-1), the players congratulated their colleagues for the victory and the fans for their support, before remembering that "FC Porto lives on titles" and that, in a club "used to winning", they have to "continue to feed" this culture.

“Even if it wasn't the best season for our team, closing it with a title is very important. I think we did great in the competition and we deserve this title. The “never” is over, thankfully. It's even better to score in the classic, I'm happy to help the team win a title. We knew the difficulties we were going to face, that Sporting is a great team. The fans filled the stadium and supported us a lot. I was glad the team was able to turn it around. Even if my shoulder is hurt. We have to take a lot from this season, from the Portuguese Cup, where we played a good competition, like in the Champions League. Now we have to relax, look at what we need to improve so that next season we can have a great season. I dedicate it to our president… actually to the both of them, it's very important to both of them.”

João Mário
“Very happy day for all of us. It was a difficult season and ending it with this title, against the national champion, feels even better. We are happy to end the season with this. Now it's time to rest and prepare the next season. Very important. From the moment we knew we had no chance of becoming champions, which was our main objective, we knew we had the Cup to fight for and we were going to do everything to win it.”

Martim Fernandes
“The first title for the main team means a lot. It will be marked for life and I hope to win many more. It was amazing, the fans were vibrating, and so were we. It's a unique feeling. I like the support of the fans, I want to feel that they want me to play from the start more often and I want to follow this path in my career. The main goal is to try to evolve a little more.”

Romário Baró
“It's always good to win titles for the club. I'm very happy. There's no hiding it, when FC Porto doesn't win the championship it's always not a good season. The team is built to win. This title is the last of the season and has special significance. It counts as much as the others. The important thing was done, we won and now we have to celebrate. I hope, as a blue and white fan, that this is the beginning of the next season.”

“It was a difficult season for me, but it’s over. Now I have to look forward. Very proud of this title. We finished well. It’s important to think about next season. Call Nélson Puga, ask him. I don't know anything about the recovery, I just know that I'm better.”

Diogo Costa
“It's a bittersweet feeling, because we proved today that we are the best team, against the national champion. The season didn’t go as we wanted, but there was a lot that didn’t help. For the work we did, we deserved this Cup to improve the season. This club feeds of titles and this one gives us a joy we needed. These are the best fans in the world and we do everything for ourselves, the club and the fans, always.”

Fábio Cardoso
“It was a good final. We had one more player after a while, but, sometimes, that makes things even more difficult as Sporting closed more and aimed for counter-attacks and set pieces. We were very competent and deserved to win by more, because with more calm we could have scored more goals and achieved a smoother victory. It always feels good, this is another title and now we have to rest and prepare for the next season, in a month and a half. At this club, it’s always important to win. We are perfectly aware that the season didn’t go as we wanted, as we deserved, but we have to look at ourselves, at what we can do better, individually and as a team, and work to win the championship again as soon as possible. We want to win, we are used to winning and we want to continue to feed this culture.”

“Without a doubt. For everything we went through since the beginning, we missed in many games and that ended up harming us during the season. We deserved to end with a title, for the work we did during the season, for the unity we built, despite the many things that happened. It is very important, because FC Porto feeds on titles and this gives us a lot of strength."

Otávio Ataíde
“Very happy. It's very gratifying. Since I arrived, the group has been very supportive of me. For the work we did we deserved a title. I was fortunate to see this stadium filled with fans supporting the teams. It was a great game. Let it be the first of many. It will be in my career forever. I had to change the way I played and I had to change it fast. I learned a lot from Pepe, with the coach always helping. I can only be thankful and that for me was very gratifying. It's important to have my family here. I lived away from the family since I was 14 and, when I came here and had the opportunity to bring them, I didn't think twice.”

“I am very happy to end the season with this title. It was a difficult season, we had ups and downs, but the most important thing is to end with this title. We don't know anything, what we want is for the coach to stay. He's a great coach, I speak for myself. Since my arrival, I have evolved a lot with him. I am so grateful to him for all he has done for us. The whole squad expects him to continue. That is up to the president and the coach. We have to wait.”

Francisco Conceição
“It meant a lot because we fight every day for this club to win titles. Here's the reward for everything we did during the year, even if it didn't go the way we wanted. We turned around and ended up great. We were fair winners. It was difficult for us because we, who feel the club, know that it went through difficult times. It is up to us to not let our guard down and try to work every day for this club. We ended the season with this Cup, which felt great. I don't know what the future will be, nor did the coach tell me. He told me to focus on work and do what I know. I'm very proud of him. As a FC Porto player, I want the best to stay. I know he is a great coach and that he would like us to continue to win and with him we are closer to do it. But only he knows his future.”

Mehdi Taremi
“It's an honour to be here, to have been a part of this group for four years. It was amazing, it was fantastic. I had very good memories with FC Porto. Today was amazing, I scored, we won. The most important thing is always to win. We played for the fans, we played for the club and we got the title. It's an honour. This year, I had the Asian Cup and my heart was there. It was my country and I couldn't play so well for FC Porto. I've always tried my best. I apologize to the fans. I did what I could. It was a difficult period for FC Porto and for me, because I wanted to help. There was a lot of talk about things around football. I did the best I could. I apologize for this season, I know the fans wanted me to do more for the team. I apologize for that. Good luck to everyone. I'm a Dragon from now on, as I always have been.”

“I'm happy here at FC Porto, just look at what I do every day. I can give almost 100% that I will be fit. It was hard to be out, as I've played many finals on this stage that we respect a lot. We deeply respect this competition. It was different, with my heart pounding on my chest, but it ended with victory. It was a difficult season and we have a young team, despite my 41 years, but with a lot of talent. The team has matured a lot and we ended the year well. I'm sure that next year they will give a very positive response and fight for the title with a different mindset.”

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